Saturday 27 October 2012

Half the price but double the fun: Pin Kitchen & Utility Island

There is no denying it; times are tough and have been tough over the past couple of years in the UK. A large proportion of families have felt the damning effects of the recession; people have been made redundant, businesses are struggling and the need to save is more important than ever. Therefore as we start to cast our minds towards Christmas, despite our love for the much loved holiday season we have to be really careful with regards as to what we buy this year and this can leave some of us filled with dread rather than excitement.

When buying for children a lot of families tend to buy their child one ‘big’ present, or the ‘main’ present so to speak. This is the gift which is supposed to be the centre of attention. It would have cost a couple of hundred pounds. For older children it may be something such as an X-Box. For young children it could be the equivalent of an outside playhouse. However, not everybody can afford to do this, and a lot of those who once could do so will find it a struggle now.

Nevertheless, this certainly does not mean that you can’t buy your child a big present. It simply means that you need to be tactical with your shopping and look around for the best deals. There are cheaper yet equally exciting presents to be found if one does a little bit of digging.

Let’s look at an example in order to give you an idea of what I mean and perhaps an idea for what to buy your child this Christmas. Role playing toys are largely popular amongst young children; kid’s kitchens and grocery stores have been well-loved and well-received by boys and girls for a long time now. However, they tend to cost quite a lot of money. You can expect to spend anything from about £150 to £350 for most of them.

Nevertheless, if you do a little bit of digging you will find that the Pin Kitchen & Utility Island is a fantastic kid’s kitchen which is available for a mere £79.99. And for what it lacks in price it certainly does not suffer in quality. This kitchen is built in stunning wood and looks smart and professional. It does not look like a play toy and you certainly would not expect it boast such a cheap price tag.

In fact, this toy holds double the fun of others in its category. This is because on one side it boasts a kitchen area and then on the other there is a washing machine and a sink for tidying up once all the food has been eaten. The kitchen side of the toy features an oven that boasts a removable shelf, a clock with movable hands, pegs to hang things on, a small phone and a rail to hang your tea towel.

So there you have it; the Pin Kitchen & Utility Island – half the price, but double the fun! 

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